Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 30, 2013

I had my third Chemo treatment today. So far I feel good and normal. The doctors said I am doing fantastic! My blood count is up from last week and my immune system is getting better! My mama and me met the radiation oncologist today and talked about starting that treatment too. They are checking on some different options for me but it looks like it will start on week 13 and will go for 5 and a half weeks. We had some family members come over tonight and they played Play-doh with me! We made all different kinds of food and I was the waitress!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 29, 2013

Today was a good day! I got to go see my friends at school! I was very happy to do that. I like that everybody is writing comments to me on here, I like reading them! Thank you everybody. I went to the store with my grandpa tonight and we had fun. I got a new folder to play teacher with! Me and my mom are going to read some books tonight!

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

Hi everyone!! I have been feeling very good for the last couple days since I had my antibiotics! I've been eating and drinking like the doctor said too. We checked the mail today and I got a bunch of packages with toys and stickers and all kinds of goodies!! I also got my blond hair :) Thank you!! Tomorrow I'm going to my school to say hi to my friends for a minute, I can't wait to see them!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 24, 2013

My temperature went a little high today. The doctor told us if it goes to 100.4 twice in 8 hours to go to the office or the ER after hours. Well, we had to go to the ER of course where they gave me some antibiotics in my port to help my body fight since my blood count is so low. Hopefully I don't have to go back there again!
January 23, 2013

Today is my second chemo treatment. I'm nervous but at least I don't have to stay there! I was scared to let them access my port for the first time because I didn't know if it would hurt or not. They put a cream on my skin that numbed the area so it didn't hurt to have the needle put in but I could feel the pressure.

After we were done there we went to look at some wigs, I found one that I want when my hair comes out. I love my long hair but we cut it today!
January 20, 2013

I GET TO GO HOME!!!! This is the happiest I have been in a long long time! SUPER EXCITED!!!! When we were packing our things the nurse came in and said most people have 3 or 4 visitors on their page. I had 2 whole pages!!! Guess everybody loves me :)))
January 19, 2013

I thought I didn't feel good yesterday! Today is WAY worse!! I have really bad headaches and am getting sick all the time. I DO NOT LIKE THAT CHEMO MEDICINE!!! 
January 18, 2013

I'm really not feeling well today, I don't want to eat or drink. The only thing making me happy today is that everyone I love is right here with me!
January 16, 2013

MY LEGS ARE SOOOO SORE!!! I can't walk but the doctor says that's normal because of the lumbar puncture they did for the bone marrow. They gave me my first dose of chemo medicine today. A little scary but I'm a brave girl! On a better note, I got my Beads of Courage today!
January 15, 2013

Today I had my PET Scan, again I don't like those big machines...they scare me! They gave me a sedative to put me to sleep for just a couple minutes so we could get it done. I fell asleep in mama's lap. 

We also got the results from the bone marrow test and the cysts and my PET Scan. EVERYTHING WAS NEGATIVE!!!!!!
January 13, 2013

Ok so I had a VERY big day today! I had my port put in today. It's this fancy thing they put in my chest so I don't have to get poked every time I go to the doctor for my treatment. I DO NOT LIKE POKES!!

They also had to remove two cysts in my sinus cavities. My nose hurt after that and bled for a couple days. On top of all that they took my bone marrow from both of my hips and one from my spine. Thankfully the doc had mercy on me and did my MRI while I was still asleep. 
January 12, 2013

Not much going on today at the hospital. I had lots of visitors today which made me very happy! I was supposed to have my MRI done today, but I was too scared. HAVE YOU DONE ONE OF THOSE?!
January 11, 2013

We got the phone call from the doctor with the results from my biopsy. Rhabdomyosarcoma...that's what they're telling me I have. Ok so now what? I don't understand why I have to go stay in the hospital, I don't feel sick!

We got to the Children's Hospital at Providence that afternoon and I got to talk to the doctor and ask questions. I felt overwhelmed with all the new faces I was meeting and with understanding I was going to loose my hair! I LOVE MY HAIR!! Mom says it's going to be ok and I trust her.
January 9, 2013

I had my left cervical lymph node biopsy. The surgery went well, just left me a little sore with an incision 1 1/2 inches long. The doctor put in a drain tube for a day. I DID NOT LIKE THAT!!!