Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 30, 2013

I had my third Chemo treatment today. So far I feel good and normal. The doctors said I am doing fantastic! My blood count is up from last week and my immune system is getting better! My mama and me met the radiation oncologist today and talked about starting that treatment too. They are checking on some different options for me but it looks like it will start on week 13 and will go for 5 and a half weeks. We had some family members come over tonight and they played Play-doh with me! We made all different kinds of food and I was the waitress!


  1. I love n miss you beautiful, did u like the ladybug Charlotte sent you, hope I get to see you n mommy soon, have a super day! Nanny a:-)

  2. Hey sweet Lexi, nanny a knows ya might be feeling a bit weak today, but its all up from here, I am so proud of you!!!
    I Love you like the air I breathe!<3
