Friday, June 7, 2013

June 7, 2013

Wow time has gone by so fast! Sorry for the lack of updates on here, we have been so busy!!

I got my feeding tube put it. It was sore for a while (kinda still is) but it has made things so much easier. My mama can put all my medicines in through my tube now so I don't have to swallow them. I am also getting all the nutrients that I need so I don't have to worry about eating even though I still need to eat! I have been slowly putting weight back on and I feel so much better and have lots of energy again!! Yay it feels good to be me again!!

My birthday is coming soon! I'll be 8 years old :D! My Nanny and Bobby are coming up this weekend on Sunday! I'm so excited to see them I just can't wait!!! We are going to have a BBQ at my house for my birthday, I think it will be a fun day! We got lots of balloons and the theme is pink and zebra stripes.

I received a kindle and $100 in the mail yesterday from a very nice lady in Washington! I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so so much!!!! My grandpa got me a puppy, I named him Chasper. He is a Chihuahua. I can't have him at home though :( so I get to visit him when I go to my grandpas. Last Saturday I got to go to the Mary Poppins play in Anchorage. It was very fun and we got to sit very close to the front! Thank you Leah for winning me and mommy the tickets!


  1. Hello Lexi!!!! I am so glad you got us all caught up on your busy, busy life!! That picture of you and your puppy sleeping is so sweet. I LOVE puppies. The BBQ for your birthday sounds like so much fun..and with special visitors from Washington too! I hope you have a wonderful, exciting, happy 8th birthday! We think of you often and pray for you and your mom always. Take good care! B/B Ludwig

  2. Hello sweetie. I love seeing your pics!!! Sounds like you have had a very busy month indeed! I love the puppy and what an amazing name. Im so glad you like your kindle fire. So when is your birthday exactly??? Hope to see more positive updates, God bless angel!!! Yours truely Tempra

  3. Hi guys!! Wanted to let you know I just got the original kindle back in mail today. Now I'll be able to give it to another child that would like it!! Hope your enjoying yours honey!!!! Tempra;-)
