Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

 I have  been doing very well! After I got antibiotics for my fever I didn't get another one and have had a lot of energy. My mom and I went to see Oz The Great and Powerful in 3D and it was good. Kind of scary in some parts especially since it was 3D because it comes out at you. I slept in super late today and feel very rested. I did have some pain in my shoulders which the doctor says is from either the Neulasta shot I get every three weeks or it could be from the Vincristine that I get weekly or it could be from both, but either way it has gotten better.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lexi and Stepanie! Love the two look great! So glad you are rested and feeling well! Saw previews for that movie....looks kinda interesting. good you two!! Bob and Beth Ludwig
