Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

Busy busy busy we have been so busy! I have been feeling really good this last week. We got a different kind of medicine that makes me not feel yucky. It's just a pill that I swallow instead of it melting in my mouth. I don't like the taste of that one. It made me sick, so when I got all three of my chemo medicines I got really sick the days after. But this time I didn't get sick at all because I was able to swallow these new pills! SO I DIDN'T GET SICK!! I had lots of energy and felt great. I even got to go bowling!

I had an appointment with the Ear Nose and Throat doctor today. My voice has been a little funny so he wanted to look at my voice box. I had to sniff some gross stuff that tasted like alcohol and he looked in through my nose down my throat. I didn't have a good time, I cried. I don't like all the things I have to do sometimes.

Tomorrow I go in for chemo again. I think everything will go as planned. I have been feeling good so I think I won't have to spend the night.

My family and I also just want to thank everyone for your help, love and support! We love you for it and pray that you'll be blessed! THANK YOU EVERYONE!


  1. Hi Lexi. I like the idea swallowing a pill and not getting sick!! Hope the chemo went ok. Tell your mom hi. Bob and Beth Ludwig

  2. Hey Lexi Girl --- we love you! Your smile makes us so happy. You are so brave. I hope that you are feeling very well today. Give your mom a hug for us, and then she can hug you for us. We miss you.

    Love Nanny and Bobby
