Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013

GREAT news!! I had my MRI and PET scans yesterday and got the results in today. In January when I was diagnosed I had 2 tumors for sure and they were uncertain about a third. The MRI and PET scans show that I only have one left. The tumor on the left side of my neck is completely gone and the one at the base of my skull is 1/3 smaller!! They weren't sure about there being a tumor in my tonsils because in the first scan they were swollen and bright. Now the only thing that shows is the tumor beneath my brain, and its so much smaller! The doctors are amazed at how well I am doing so far with just the chemo! I am super happy! I have been trying really hard to beat this stupid cancer and it looks like its working! Thank you everybody for your prayers! But keep them going because the battle isn't over yet.

I start my radiation therapy next Monday. I'm nervous about it but I know I have to do it and it's encouraging to know that its getting smaller.


  1. This is just incredibly awesome!! Hope you are dancing a joyful jig!!! B + B Ludwig

  2. That is great news indeed, Alexia! Having MRIs done can be a scary thing, but I feel so proud that you're a tough warrior, squashing that exam and your cancer like they were tiny bugs. Keep a happy attitude and follow doctor's orders, and that tumor will be gone in no time!

